This blog has nothing to do with slogans. What would the three word slogan be for that? No Slogan Blog.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

100 Things you may or may not know about me

1. I would not like to be famous
2. I would like to be obscenely rich
3. I envy, moreso than I should, people that have 8 hour workdays
4. I don't eat seafood
5. I'm not the worrying type
6. I drink far too much alcohol
7. I am ashamed of my national government
8. I have a very strong work ethic but would not work if I were obscenely wealthy
9. I don't believe in ghosts, heaven, or hell
10. I classify my religion as "other" on forms for convenience
11. I will never knowingly support Tom Cruise again
12. I'm not a hairy person
13. I'm not a very sexual person
14. I am intrigued by math and physics yet horrible at both
15. I don't believe people are innately "good"
16. I work best under pressure
17. I often wonder if I am hosting a colony of tapeworms
18. I can whistle like a bird although I never learned to properly catcall
19. I don't have a favorite color or number
20. I don't believe in making money off of employees
21. I love camping
22. I belive "What's good for the goose is good for the gander"
23. I use the word "gander" far too much
24. At chinese buffets I do not eat rice
25. I support same sex marriage
26. I dislike writing checks
27. I like the bread on a sandwich to line up in the direction it was in the loaf
28. I like to watch people but am secretly critcal of them
29. I like to smoke but dislike that I smell like smoke
30. I loathe asking for help
31. I enjoy being alone
32. I do not like bars/clubs
33. I consider myself to be completely average
34. I am a good mediator
35. I don't flirt
36. I have very bad teeth but am afraid of dentists
37. I consider myself to be a "Momma's boy" and have no qualms with people calling me that
38. I like to cook and consider myself to be good at it
39. If all jobs paid the same I would pump gas for a living
40. I went to college to be a high school english teacher
41. I never plan on teaching high school english
42. I don't hold grudges
43. I enjoy mowing grass
44. I dislike unions and any system that rewards seniority over ability
45. I like eggs after a bender
46. I do not approve of lying
47. I prefer Folgers Classic Blend coffee over all others
48. I love chili, possibly too much. I can eat a gallon in a day. (see #17)
49. My desk is always messy
50. I prefer exactly 8 hours of sleep per night
51. I always wear underwear when I go out in public
52. I don't like cake unless it is unbaked
53. The only pie I really like is pumkin pie
54. I hate cornbread and cornbread derivitaves (hush puppies, dressing, corn dogs, etc)
55. I hate squash of all types (except the kind that makes pumpkin pie)
56. I dislike Microsoft and especially Microsoft Office but am required to use it
57. I am not, nor will I likely ever be, an activist for anything (well except open source software)
58. I believe Yahoo! knowingly allows bad things to happen with its web and chat space
59. I am not a slave to fashion
60. I have no sexual fantasies left that have not been acted out
61. I enjoy juvenile fiction
62. I rarely watch television
63. I don't like carrying a cell phone
64. I have a habit of collecting computer keyboards and old computer parts
65. I try to look on the bright side of life but am internally pessimistic
66. I hated Christmas until I had kids. Now I pretty much love it
67. I can play several instruments but cannot draw
68. I feel I will contract cancer within my lifetime
69. I hate it when scissors aren't where they are supposed to be
70. I do not like talking on telephones
71. I believe billy goats are the most vile creatures on the earth
72. I am deathly afraid of snakes
73. I don't own any guns
74. I love go karts and would have my own if I owned land
75. I don't recall ever having an imaginary friend
76. I don't particularly like to dance although I do like to sing
77. I don't do karaoke
78. I do not like to tell people what to do
79. I am not superstitious, believe in foretelling the future, or any of that other mumbo jumbo
80. I would eat dog or cat if it were put on my plate
81. I prefer forests over seas
82. I hope to never live in a "subdivision"
83. I think women misunderstand men just as much as men misunderstand women but women will not admit this
84. I prefer romantic comedies when I choose movies
85. I think health food is overrated
86. I have a basic understanding of the theory of relativity and I think Steven Hawking is mostly full of shit
87. I have lived life like the Waltons
88. I have eaten squirrel, groundhog, rabbit, deer, bear, and alligator. Of these I have killed deer, squirrel, and groundhog
89. My weight fluctuates wildly, as much as 7 pounds per day
90. I dislike buzzwords
91. I have a set way I shower and it never varies.
92. I sometimes wonder if I am obsessive compulsive
93. I love food from a county fair
94. I love to skateboard, bicycle, and rollerskate.
95. I disagree with almost everything the FCC does
96. I prefer to watch movies with closed captioning on even though I am not hard of hearing
97. I am offended by the subtitles some movie producers use for closed captioning "for the hearing impaired." What about those of us that just like to read? I think it should be "closed captioned for the hearing impaired and those that enjoy reading."
98. I am an amateur weather forecaster and I think I'm as good or better than the pros
99. I don't worry about other people's opinions of me
100. I have lived for the better part of a year in a motel

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