This blog has nothing to do with slogans. What would the three word slogan be for that? No Slogan Blog.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Some of the maroons I work with:
Another office manager and I were talking about the west side of the building.

Her: Which side is the west side?
Me: You know where the sun sets?
Her: no.
Me: Are you serious?
Her: I'm not good at geography.

shakes head

The safety guy is working up his total man hours for the month.

Him: I need a calculator.
Me: Use mine ( standard desk printing calculator.)
Him: No, that's too big.
Me: It isn't big at all.
Him: It's too complex for what I need.
Me: What do you need?
Him: I'm totalling my man hours and need a small calculator.
Me: Aren't you doing it in excel?
Him: Yeah.

shakes head

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