This blog has nothing to do with slogans. What would the three word slogan be for that? No Slogan Blog.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Rhetoric : Selfishness

Through much ado over many years I have finally come to the undeniable conclusion that I am a very selfish person. This is not to say I am not a giving person, the two things are not entirely related. I enjoy things such as bringing or making enough lunch for everyone in my office. I like to be able to give things to people that need them. I would think that many of my friends and work mates would disagree that I am selfish. The reason they would disagree is because they are looking at the idea of selfishness in the wrong light.

I do not give out of the goodness of my heart. This is not to say I have gains to be made from the person that is the recipient of my gift. One person at work calls it "building an emotional bank account" but it is not that either I don't suspect. I give because I enjoy the feeling of pleasing other people. I don't directly enjoy the feeling of pleasing others. I enjoy the feeling it gives me. Therefore when I give or share I am doing it to feel good myself and that makes it selfish.

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