This blog has nothing to do with slogans. What would the three word slogan be for that? No Slogan Blog.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Baiting scammers for fun and profit

So here's how a scammer begins their attack, in case you've been wondering. You'll note that I twart all efforts as I've grown rather jaded with baiting scammers. But this is what you can look for if you want to get into the hobby of baiting scammers for fun and profit.

This particular instance is brought to you by the good people at myspace and their myspace im but I've had similar conversations on Yahoo messenger as well. For some reason the scammers have left me alone on my icq, aim, and other messenger protocols. Yahoo messenger and chat is especially easy to find a scammer of one sort or another. Some offer multiple scams so you really get your money's worth.

Conversation with peggyarmstrong on 2/14/2008 11:27:57 AM:
(11:27:57 AM) peggyarmstrong: hi
(11:28:00 AM) peggyarmstrong:how are u today
(11:28:04 AM) peggyarmstrong:asl pls
(11:28:42 AM) johncub: I agree, asl. After Sex, Leave
(11:29:43 AM) peggyarmstrong:what do u mean
(11:30:12 AM) johncub: asl (After Sex Leave)
(11:30:16 AM) johncub: see, it's an old guy joke
(11:30:23 AM) johncub: and as I'm an old guy I think its funny
(11:30:36 AM) peggyarmstrong:]yes
(11:30:40 AM) peggyarmstrong:it is funny
(11:30:47 AM) peggyarmstrong:sdo how is family
(11:30:56 AM) johncub: good, how is the scamming business?
(11:31:26 AM) peggyarmstrong:what do u mean by scamming bussines
(11:31:45 AM) johncub: it's a theory I have.
(11:37:33 AM) peggyarmstrong: pls
(11:37:45 AM) peggyarmstrong: u can mail me at
(11:37:51 AM) peggyarmstrong: bye and take care

== end transmission
In case you care, this particular's myspace page is here. Anyone want to take bets on the sex being a male and him not looking nearly that pretty?

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