This blog has nothing to do with slogans. What would the three word slogan be for that? No Slogan Blog.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


To all you people who consider your dogs your kids I have a message. Dogs do not equal kids. Seriously. Your dogs, while you may love them greatly, are not kids. Can I tie my kids up outside and leave them there all night? Nope. I'd go to jail for that. Can I leave them alone while I run to the store? Nope. I'd go to jail for that. Can I set up an automatic feeding dish and let them graze as they see fit? Nope. Not an option. Do dogs require rides to school, rides to day care, lunch money, pta dues, cub scout memberships, or fund raising every week of the school year? Not in my experience. If you run your dog over you will cry. But you'll get over it and maybe even get another dog. If I run my kid over? Jail.

So if you ask about my life and I happen to tell you... don't compare your situation to mine because your precious little puppies run your life.


Anonymous said...

Do cats count? :(

At Last Sound said...

hahahaha, so true.