This blog has nothing to do with slogans. What would the three word slogan be for that? No Slogan Blog.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

“I think it's wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly.” --Steven Wright

I have a confession to make. My wife has a problem. I didn't realize it when we started dating even though the signs were present. It is a complex problem and I think I am still learning and understanding it.

I'll get straight to the goods (or the bads.)

My wife will purchase anything with the word Monopoly on it. Except the game itself. It's the worst when McSalty's has their Monopoly game (that we have yet to win anything of value on) because for those two and a half weeks the game runs all we eat is McSalty's. Everything has to come in the MegaLargeHugeFatAss size because you get the extra game pieces that way.

Now about the game itself, as in the board game. She doesn't like it. She will play it but she's one of those players that is forgiving and will loan money to other players out of the goodness of her heart. I know how to play monopoly and I know how to play to win. I don't play any other way. When I was young I played by the "I'll loan you enough to get you back around to go again" but I realized that was why Monopoly took 4 hours to complete a game. It's a long game if you aren't playing to win. That's why people don't like to play it. So regardless of your rules of choice, the way to win is to buy everything you can at any cost and eventually you may or may not end up victorious.

I think that's her plan. Buy up all the game pieces, monopoly trinkets, and memoribilia and one day she will be teh winnar!

Other than that she's the perfect wife, I promise. :)


cytogirl said...

When I was young, the only person I had to play with, pretty much, was my mother. She would be the banker. She would loan me money from her own stack all the time because I suck at Monopoly. She's always been the give-the-shirt-off-her-back-even-if-it's-her-only-shirt kind of woman so loaning her only child fake money seemed like a natural act of kindness. She would still always win. But a couple of years ago she told me something that crushed me (not really). All those years, she had been skimming hundreds out of the bank. My own mother won by being a thief. I guess being the good person she is, stealing from the Bank o' Monopoly was her little guilty pleasure. Now I just need to see how many letters she stole from the scrabble bag.

KeishaMama said...

cmon now we DID win $20 in Kingsport! And in the past couple of years I have been fussed on so much every time it comes to McSaltys that I've hardly played. If we happen to be there though I'll get whatever scores me a point or two. :p

Isn't that why we buy lottery tickets? You won't have a chance to win if you don't even play.

John said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh. I've got several monotony games in my future. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh