This blog has nothing to do with slogans. What would the three word slogan be for that? No Slogan Blog.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Ebay suggestion

Ebay should incorporate some sort of discussion forum for each item listed. I get tired of keeping gem-like comments to myself.

You know, things like:
  • If, by "rare", you mean NOT rare, then yes: You are correct.
  • Hello, 1998 called. They want their page layout back.
  • Check your photo, nice reflection. Wear pants next time.
  • Yes, sex sells, but get your nasty assed hobag wife out of the shot. What's her wide load ass covering, a rust patch the size of a barn?
  • How come you call yourself "ebooks on cd" when it's a download only purchase? Where's my cd?
  • You realize those are cheaper brand new at wal~mart, right? Well now everyone else does too.
  • Your item is only worth your starting price to someone willing to pay that much and guess what? Nobody is. Quit relisting it or lower the asking price.
  • "Collectible?" It's avon. And it's old. Good luck with that.
  • Yeah, there's a market for "Goth" items. It's called people with no money.
  • Boner bobs? To roast your hot dogs on? Well, yeah, that would sell. But I'm glad you're dealing with that type of customer and not me.
  • It seems as though your "Win the lottery system" is not working. Otherwise, why would you be selling it instead of winning the lottery and leaving work behind?
  • "LQQK" isn't a word. I promise.
  • "BECOME INVISIBLE & walk unseen among people or CROWDS" ... uhhh, people that stupid usually don't have money. I can see you don't have any either. Perhaps there's a correlation?
  • It turns out your font is unacceptably large. It will be revoked by the manufacturer. Please advise.
  • Are you able to guarantee that your case of extra large adult sized diapers with faux-fur lining are in fact unused?
  • Would you be able to plausibly explain that stain in the sex seat? It says it is new but certainly that can't be....
  • No, her ass is STILL not helping you sell anything. NEXT!
  • I only understand you in so much as you want to sell somthing. Would it be possible for you to narrow it down and tell us what that is?
  • You state that the Jeep Wrangler, '05, LIKE NEW ALL ORIGINAL has a factory v-6. uhhh, you know they didn't have a V6 so I'm wondering what part of the prototype department you were in.
  • Hi, I was just thinking that maybe you should recategorize this item. While it might be "Slightly Unusual" and does in fact fit in that category, I was thinking a better primary category would be "SHIT NOBODY BUT DUMBASSES BUY"

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