A few weeks ago there was a recordable injury on one of the other jobsites the client I indirectly work for. Their (the client's) corporate safety manager stopped by our jobsite en route to the jobsite with the injury and he said one of the lowest, most deplorable sentences I have ever heard in my life. I cannot seem to stop thinking about it. I think about it at least daily, usually several times a day. I know I will never forget it and I'm sure it will serve a valuable lesson in humility. I understand how recordable injuries happen. We all sometime "space out" or lose focus on our work when we are working on something that is mundane or we have performed that task countless times before. It does happen and when it does there is the potential for something to happen. A finger could get cut, an ankle sprained, or even something tragic could happen when we let down our guard. It is human nature and we must accept it. We need to proactively (sorry, I'm not big on buzzwords but that truly does fit) encourage people to keep their minds on their work. When something does happen we need to look at the situation from every angle to see how it can be avoided in the future. There is one exception to the angles we must look at it from. Do not, under any circumstances, look at an injury from a monetary standpoint. Feel free to look at the lack of injuries as a monetary gain if you like but don't treat people and their health in the converse light.
Quoth he:
There goes my bonus.
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