This blog has nothing to do with slogans. What would the three word slogan be for that? No Slogan Blog.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkey day questions and answers

Thusly I posed the question to some of my friends:
did you already kill a turkey for the fam? bow and arrow, or just chase the fucker down and club it?

And thusly some answered:

My friend Dave said, " i stealthly crept up while being careful not to make any eccess noise or movement reached out and grabbed it out of the grocers freezer"

another friend replied, "
i let the mother in law do the chasing" but I have to wonder about that one.

what sayeth you,
did you already kill a turkey for the fam? bow and arrow, or just chase the fucker down and club it?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Blah blah blah linux blah blah blah open source.

There I said it.

Now I'll extrapolate for those that want to read more.

I've been living in the past. I've been using "Dapper" which is a linux distribution released *gasp* several months ago. Recently I upgraded to the newest release. These are my notes.

Dear Firefox:
Please put the "close tab" button back where it was in 1.5, over on the right for all tabs, not on the tab itself. Practically speaking this helps me close the porn windows much faster when the "close tab" button is in the same spot each time.
About:config -- > browser.tabs.closeButtons set value to 3
All fixed now!

Dear Novell:
When did you get back in the game with "evolution"? I promptly uninstalled evolution in dapper with much trouble, as I am much more adept with thunderbird. I gave it a go this time but damn. novell? didn't that go out with win 3.1?

Dear Open Office:
I love you. I will have your children.

Dear KStars:
Please make a release that doesn't rely on KDE's dependencies and I'll have your children too. I'm a slut that way.

Dear Gimp:
I see you are still the posterchild for "Interface Hell." Someone has to carry the cross. I just wish it wasn't you.

I guess that's all the open letters I have for now. I do notice my system runs more slowly with "Gutsy" than it did with "Dapper" but I can live with that. It isn't the fastest processor on the market and yet it still works well. All in all I have nothing but good things to say about the Ubuntu version of the linux kernel.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

How to break Windows for fun and profit

So I learned something very valuable today and thought I'd share

How to break windows:

create a file named simply "Program"
it does not have to have any content
place it in the root (c) of a windows drive
system hosed (services located in C:\Program Files\etc will fail)

tested on 2kserver, xp pro, and vista business